The Art of Summary: A 2-session Workshop, with Robin Brzobohaty and Martina Cirbusová
Summary Workshop, Session 1 – Why, Where and How (2WH Approach)
Summary is one of the key means mediators have for supporting parties during a difficult conversation. This workshop provides an opportunity to approach summaries from a fresh perspective by working in small groups and using videotapes.
Participants will learn to recognize individual topics in the words of the parties using functional lingusitic theory of a theme-rheme structure and bubbles with legs metaphor and compose them into valuable summaries.
Participants will receive a comprehensive tool - 2WH - for real-time decision-making on using summary.
Summary Workshop, Session 2- The Many Faces of the Summary
Regarding non-directiveness, a summary is considered one of the most difficult means for supporting parties during conflict. Contrary to reflection, whilst summarizing, mediators inevitably have to change something on the parties' words to make the conversation more transparent for the parties. Acknowledging this, we realize we can recognize different types of the summary as to the number of the issues involved, time or location of the summary within the timeline of the conversation, or using positions of the parties regarding the summarized issue.
During the workshop, participants will understand the different types of summaries and the possibilities of using them to support parties.
Participants will have the opportunity to analyze summaries of some important ISCT mediators.
Participants will try to combine partial topics into thematic clusters. They will learn to distinguish between one topic and multi-topic summary.
*Both sessions will be recorded and shared with all registered- so if you can't make it to one of the dates, you will still receive the recording and all relevant materials- hand outs/ slides etc.
Zoom link will be sent after registration.