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Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation

Connecting transformative practitioners across the world

Learn and Grow as a Transformative Practitioner through our virtual offerings; practice groups, mediation training, dialogue training, workshops, and presentations

The ISCT’s Virtual Institute is a place to build and deepen connections amongst transformative practitioners and those interested in transformative processes – mediation, dialogue, coaching, and more – in a virtual environment. Using video conferencing (Zoom), participants from around the world have access to high quality offerings designed to support growth in transformative practice and build community.

Our presenters and teachers are professional transformative practitioners and trainers. Whether you are new to transformative practice or an experienced professional, the Virtual Institute has something for you! Our offerings are highly interactive, with small participant groups that allow maximum engagement and practice.  We offer presentations and practice groups as well as a core curriculum of transformative skills based training. 

Visit our Calendar to see what is currently on offer! We try to keep our training costs affordable for all, and do offer scholarships (more info in the training descriptions).

Feel free to email questions about offerings, or about proposing a training, or working as a VI trainer to

Apply for assessment and certification to become a certified transformative mediator 

Access the information packet by following these links:

English information packet  French information packet  Dutch information packet  Italian information packet

View Informational video in EnglishFrench , or  Italian.

If you decide to apply for assessment, please fill out the application form here.

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